“We had a hard time believing it. For weeks, though, we had heard the storm rumbling in the distance. We hoped the clouds would stop at our borders. We had forgotten that sometimes the world is stronger than us, and that reality can catch up with fiction.

The pandemic eventually knocked on our door. In our mouths, the same words repeated over and over, trying to make sense of what was beyond us. In our eyes, a new sense of worry, and in the air, an unfamiliar electricity. We were about to live through a moment of history.”

Morges Masquée is an artistic book of photographs and free-verse poetry created by my partner Coralie and I. We all have a story to tell about the COVID-19 crisis. On one hand, I photographed the Morges region and explored my personal experience of the crisis throughout the year 2020, while on the other hand, Coralie wrote continuously all year to capture her feelings and emotions as well as those of society.

With the support of the city of Morges, 400 copies of the book were printed and sold throughout the city in 2021. An exhibition also took place at the local gallery in Morges, Espace81.