[Project] Morges Masquée

Earlier this year I wrote about the 365 challenge in the blog on walking the talk of creativity. For a year, from February 2020 to February 2021, I took at least one photo everyday and posted it to instagram. I was falling out of love with photography because of too many corporate gigs, and I needed to push myself to take photos for fun once again.

The result was pretty amazing. I took over 30000 photos, bought a new camera, and got into street photography in a big way. It’s now late summer 2021 and I still have my camera in hand wherever I go, and I still take hundreds of photos every week.

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What I didn’t mention in that blog was that I did this challenge with my partner, Coralie, who is an amazing writer. For the whole year she also wrote small poetic texts everyday and posted them on instagram (in French only).

By the end of 2020, we realised that we had documented the whole Coronavirus crisis in our local town by simply taking photos and writing everyday. From the feeling of living a historical moment when going into lockdown, to putting on masks for the first time in empty streets, to the challenging winter of 2020: We had it all.

So we decided to turn our daily photos and daily texts into a magazine for our town. It’s a 70 page zine that chronologically shows our interpretation of the coronavirus crisis in Morges, from March 2020 to April 2021.

In collaboration with the city of Morges, 400 copies were printed and are being sold throughout the town. We have a launch event planned at the local library, as well as an exhibition planned in October in a local gallery.

This is a small, local project, and yet it is a lovely moment for us because this is our first artistic project as a couple. I also believe that any artistic journey should start small and local. There’s no point in trying to reach big national galleries or museums before you have a track record of projects to show. So hopefully this is a first step for the both of us. We are also learning lots about the difficulties of actually completing a project, and meeting lots of local actors and participating in our local community.

If you happen to be interested in learning more, feel free to contact me.


[Photo Essay] Embracing Mirror Worlds


On Seeing the Art Around You