Introduction - Becoming an Artist

My goal is to one day say to people “I am a photographer” and be confident that I am not lying to myself, and know that I am, truly, a real artist/photographer. I’ve been freelancing for a while now, and I am confident about my skills for corporate gigs. Photography has always been a passion of mine. However I have recently decided to get serious about photography as an artform and work on my portfolio. I have no idea where I’ll end up, but I know I’m enjoying myself immensely and would like to be seen as – and feel like – a real artist one day.

On that note, welcome to this blog! What can you expect to read here? Well I will not write about gear or review tech, nor will I teach photography techniques or tips and tricks in Lightroom. These are all incredibly important but there are plenty of those blogs and YouTube channels all over the internet. This is a blog about the struggles and experiences of creating art through photography. I am no expert nor teacher, far from it. I am just beginning. I intend to write honestly as I move forward in this journey and share these struggles and experiences with you.

If you are attempting to create artistic photos and become a legitimate photographer, you are probably asking yourself the same questions as I am: How to find your voice as a photographer? How to keep the creative juices flowing? How to balance the need for validation with staying true to yourself? How to get your work out there? And the list goes on and on and on and on…

These are all difficult questions that will never have clear answers. My hope is that by sharing with you we can move forward and learn together, and maybe even help each other figure all of this out. There doesn’t seem to be a manual for art after all.

Arrival - Jay Burton 2020

Arrival - Jay Burton 2020

I am at the very beginning of my career as an artist and this blog will grow as I will grow. It would make me very happy if you decide to join me on this journey, and I hope these pages will bring some value to you.

The year 2020 is ending, and I think we can all agree that we hope the new year brings new beginnings. So here’s to 2021! I’ll see you in the next blog.

Jay Burton

Aspiring artist

If you want to receive an email next time I post a blog, please sign up to my newsletter. I will also share current projects and other artists that inspire me. I will only send 4 newsletters per year.


PS: To give you context I also wish to share a few things about me. By understanding my journey up to 2020 it may be easier for you to connect with me through my blog.

So I’m currently 26 and live in beautiful Switzerland. I’ve been taking photos for over 10 years already, but never received formal education in art or photography. It’s always just been a passion of mine. I am attracted to abstraction and currently spend most of my time taking street photos and macro abstracts (smoke, bubbles, drops and other weird things). I cofounded a creative digital agency two years ago with a videographer friend of mine, and we live off corporate work such as event photography, filmed interviews, graphic design, branding, and website creation. I have no publications nor have I ever been exhibited in a gallery, and I have 1000 followers in Instagram. We can safely say that I am at the beginning of my artistic career.


On my (First) Creative Midlife Crisis